Monday, April 30, 2012

Early Mornings and Wavy Seas!

WE ARE PREMIER LEAGUE, SAY WE ARE PREMIER LEAGUE! COYR! Whata awesome way to spend Saturday night, watching Saints beat Coventry 4-0 to secure a place in the top year early, hope you all partied hard, cos we disco'd here in Brisbane!

Thank you BBC for the stream!
Who ate all  the pies.....
Whata great way to start a Saturday night, the parting continued through till 9:30 Sunday morning!

I did stay up till about 8:30 a few Saturday mornings ago, to watch the Saints Reading game.....mmmmmm. But ah, we're finally back where we belong!

New Zealand working/holiday visa approved. I got an email on Saturday morning confirming that I can now head to New Zealand with the right to work there for a year. Good times. So when I'm kicked out of here (thanks for being helpful with specific dates Australian immigration) I have somewhere to go fairly close by........sweeeeeeeeeta! Still not quite ready to leave yet, but I kinda feel my time in Brisbane may be coming to end, not really looking too hard for work any more, just been making the most of my time here really:

Mount Warning is the first point in Australia that gets the sun in the morning. And on Friday 13th April, the sun rose at 6:03 at the summit, which meant we had to awake from our tent at 3:30am to climb up there in time.

Mt Warning from our campsite

We got bored on the Thursday night and ended up in Nimbin....of coarse!
Fancy dinner plates

See it was early...look how dark it was when we started

It wasn't too clear when we arrived to the top

It cleared a bit though in time for the sun to come out

And it cleared even more as we were heading down

I also randomly went to an Asian Champions League game, to see Brisbane Roar Vs Ulsan Hyundai (a Korean team). Erm, kinda empty stadium for some not great football, but $10 for awesome tickets!

Last minute decision last Saturday had me sailing last week with Rosie and her parents on Gypsy Hawk, from Harvey Bay, along Fraser Island and into Mooloolaba.

Gypsy Hawk in Harvey Bay

In the English I dunno, it's gray!

Where we anchored on Monday night, just off of Fraser Island

Tuesday morning, heading over to Fraser Island

There you go Mum, finally on Fraser Island, along with NYE in Sydney I've done everything in Australia that you wanted me to do

On route to Lake McKenzie, FYI Fraser Island's walk way signs are as useful as the crossing (red/green) man over here...pointless and full of lies!

It's a funny world, in Florida this is illegal, in Australia it's a way of life!
It took them a long long time to get this bit of bread to their nest....

....Only for this guy to steal it in 2 seconds!

My bedroom

The view from the toilet on Wednesday morning, looking out to Fraser Island, before we headed further south

Chilling on the newly cleaned deck

Skanky things that you find in Australia

This is a big deal, and a first, I can't see her ass or her underwear! It didn't last too long!

Australia, where everything's tryna kill ya!
....for choppy seas!
Life jackets on...

Arriving just past Rainbow Beach for much calmer seas so we could anchor on Thursday night for a few hours

Watching the sun rise on Friday morning after Alan and Paula had been sailing since 11 the night before

Oh dear oh dear

Arriving at Mooloolaba later on Friday morning.....still gray!
I also got to catch up with Dan again in Mooloolaba, only leaving it just under a year this time, which is much better than nearly 9 years. Before heading back to Brisbane on Saturday....just in time for party time (yes I am gonna keep on about it) 10...9....8....7....6..5..4..3..2..1...DISCO! Yes Southampton - Born and bread and proud and flying thee flag world wide!

So instead of doing visa stuff today, I wrote this, so I hope you all enjoyed. Big thanks to Paula and Alan for having me on their boat this week, was great fun!

Also, one more thing before I log off, just a word of warning, when I got bored at a party a couple of Sundays ago I phoned England...when Rosie got bored at that same party......

"Can you guess what it is yet"

Oh....and another "one more thing"....IT WORKED, YES IT DID!!!:

1 comment:

  1. ... and ayres rock. You've done the other thing which was the great barrier reef.
    P.S. See your bedroom is a tidy as ever :-)
