Thursday, February 3, 2011

Groundhog Day

Can a wood chuck chuck wood!? More than likely, I dunno!?! But apparently a groundhog in Ontario couldn’t see it’s own Shadow today and this means that winter is coming to an end here. Shame that this is my last full day here, so it doesn’t really make too much difference to me.

So I’ve been in Ottawa just shy of a week now, staying with the Keenans. And I cannot lie, I’m having a great time here, kinda thinking a week isn’t long enough (even if the Keenans have had enough of me)…everyone, and I mean everyone has been great here (except for the creep who wanted to use my accent to help him talk to girls…I wouldn’t mind doing it usually, but if you’re just gonna stand and stare at them by the dance floor…well, sorry mate but you are a lost cause…in life as a whole!). But overall, Canadians are great!

So, anyway the last time I saw the Cassie and Caighalh was their last night in Jasper back at the end of December…good times:

So it was definitely good to see them both at Ottawa airport last Thursday when I arrived there at midnight. I’m just glad that they showed up, I’d’ve defiantly left me at the airport.

Been a pretty chilled out week, think I’ve caught up on most the sleep that I lost out on in Jasper (not missing work AT ALL). I’ve ice skated along the longest skating rink in the world, the Rideau Cannel, all 7.8Km of it…and back again, Twas a bit crowded, but still good fun…..only in Canada. A Sunday afternoon skate through a major city seems a lot more novel to me then a Sunday afternoon walk through the woods. Beaver Tails taste pretty good (just a pastry), kinda just covered in sugar and lemon (kinda like a pre-mature pancake day)…I some how still have all my teeth (cos there was a lot of sugar on that thing). Been out to a few local Ottawa bars (don’t worry Mum I wasn’t gonna drink on Saturday night….but…well Cassie’s friends were really nice to me)! Didn’t get to watch Saints loose to Man U on Saturday cos Local Heroes DID NOT have Setanta sports, although they led as to believe that they did! And we defiantly didn’t go bowling this week either, I’m pretty sure that I would’ve remembered it if we did!

$9 beer + TIP...Yeah right!?!?!


We also headed (slightly) over the providence boarder to Quebec on Monday to go to the Museum of civilization (not because we are cival, but because we need to learn how to be civil).

Whale bones
Parliament in Ottawa, Ontario, taken from Quebec
Crossing the bride back from Quebec to Ontario (kinda the same as Oregon and Washington) 

And, if you really thought that the Adam and Eve story was real, sorry but the Native’s believe in the Sky Woman:


So FYI – it snows it Ottawa and the snow’s coming down quite a lot today. Had to shovel today, fun for me – a choir for them! Kinda wishing I didn’t send all my snow gear to Vancouver Island so early!


Last night in Ottawa tonight. Think It’ll just be a (fairly) chilled out evening with Cassie, Caighlah, and their friends here (although Caighlah “just feels like being loud right now”). Heading off to the airport tomorrow evening to fly back to Vancouver (hopefully Air Canada still have "’The Social Network’ on their flights, it wasn’t an amazing film, but I enjoyed it and I wanna see the last twenty minutes of it) to meet up with Becca and Sara tomorrow evening on Vancouver Island. But before I go, big thank you to Dave, Wanda, Tyler, Cassie, Caighlah, Cory and Josh for having me here this week. I’ve had an awesome time. And I hope you have a great birthday tomorrow Wanda…and I really hope you decide where you wanna go.


Although, Caighlah is “now over her loud phase, and wants the tranquillity of it all, and is over the hump”…so tonight could go either way really.

I still can’t really use the internet cos the Keenans’ bill is pretty expensive for January. But I did just wanna post this online quick!

And some things just don't change:

I'm a week away from being gone from England for five months and I have now covered 2 countries and 11 States/Providences since leaving home.

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