
Friday, December 10, 2010

Unlucky Sucker!!!!

Hahahaha!!!! Sucker!

No seriously I only took that photo (back in Vancouver) for that exact all my be suckers...but I am a loser.

No, sorry....official blogger time now, enough with the sillys. So anyway I now know that I need to be even more careful what I right on my blog, since I've found out certain "Moms" have been reading my blog... apparently you don't need to be my friend on facebook to see my delightful page on my facebook account..dam you facebook, the vain of my life. Plus I'm working again, so I need to create a professional image of myself.......yeah I know, not really, what a waste of time that'd be!!!

The best thing is after several days I finally have the internet in my room..."yea" I hear you scream. I was sick of using "default"'s or "waffles"' unprotected wireless giving me one bar to work took me so long to upload them photos of Vancouver and Jasper in my last entrĂ© best of loved them all!!!!

So I ended up in Edmonton yesterday. Didn't realise we were going up for a whole day of shopping (I mean, I knew that we were going up to the West Edmonton Mall (which was once the biggest in the world, think it's only the second or third now (depending on who you speak to)) but I wasn't expecting a whole day of it). So it was kind of an expensive nothing day, but I did get to eat a KFC Double Down, which was just expensive, high in calories, and not the greatest tasting thing in the world, but the worst part of it all was that I was still hungry after eating it.

I was gonna go snowboarding today, but I was told that it's just icy up there at the moment, so I decided to drink last night instead. If I had my season pass I would've gone up there regardless, but I aint gonna get that till I know whether I'm staying here for the season or not. It's meant to snow again tonight, but yea, I have work tomorrow....three days though till another weekend.

But Jane, you'll be pleased to hear that I finally saw some elk.....very very close too. They pretty tame here though. Just saw them out-and-about on my walk home on Tuesday night. My flash was being crap on my phone's camera though, so I have no pictures of them.

Work's going OK, I just aint got the salesmanship in me, which means I kinda suck. Our stuff is expensive, and I can't tell people to buy stuff like that. Plus I dunno if I like being so far away from everything, with little means to get anywhere else without paying a ton of cash. People here and nice and friendly, but it seems like everyone's in a click...dunno if I like feeling like that either. Plus it's certain things go on on certain nights in set venues meaning all the same people are in the same places each night, it's do that or do nothing. Word gets around quick, like everyone knows who's doing who, plus all the dramas makes it like a soap, it bores me cos it's all so unnecessary and regular. Kinda still missing Providence (for obvious and not so obvious reasons (but the main reason is such a complete lost cause)), which kinda makes me wanna head back to Vancouver and see if I can get work there that I actually wanna do. Plus I'd still be close enough to Whistler to head up to the mountains on my days of. I dunno, but I don't think that I can handle 4 months of this. Kinda feel my whole reasons for wanting to travel have been lost.

Anyway, check out my current walk home from work: OK, it's not uploading...I'll publish this now, and try it add my video later.

1 comment:

  1. Fair play - before you move on you must take advantage of the snowboarding.
